Before we look at the various male sex problems, ayurvedic treatments, let us first look at the various sexual problems that are common in men. Some of the most common sexual ailments include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido rates.

Ayurveda offers a solution for treating all these conditions using certain holistic approaches. Let us look at some of the ayurvedic medicine for sex that is sure to offer great results.

Top Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Sexual Disorders

The top ayurvedic sexologists in Noida suggest that these are some potent ayurvedic herbs used in the best medicines to help treat sexual conditions.



This sattvic herb generates Ojas and offers strength to the penis tissues. It is extracted from the bark of the Withania somnifera plant that has powerful aphrodisiac properties. It helps to boost the libido and also increase stamina and prevent premature ejaculation.

This churna, when taken in the recommended dosages, helps reduce mental stress and fatigue and helps to offer prolonged erections that help to effectively reduce erectile dysfunction.

It is regarded as a testosterone booster, and it also helps to improve cardiovascular endurance. It is also known as medhya Rasayana, and it is extremely effective in boosting sperm count and motility.



It is commonly used in Ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction and is known as the queen of herbs, It is scientifically referred to as Asparagus racemosus, and it helps improve sexual functioning. The regular intake of the powder helps to boost blood circulation and also induces calmness in mind. It also has certain rejuvenating properties that help to increase sperm production in men.



It is commonly used for various male sex problems ayurvedic treatment as it helps to improve sexual health. It has potent spermatogenic properties that help various conditions, including the low volume of semen, sperm motility, low sperm count, and reduced sperm production.

It is a natural antioxidant that helps improve the production of testosterone that in turn helps to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and also helps to improve the libido rate. Apart from these functions, it also helps to strengthen the penile tissues for better sexual performance. It helps to improve performance based on arousal and erectile strength as well.

Tulsi Beej

Tulsi Beej

Tulsi is also referred to as holy basil, and it has several medical benefits. Treating male impotence is one of them as it helps increase the blood flow and strengthen the penile tissue. It is also beneficial in treating loss of libido and debility that helps to improve the overall stamina.


The ayurvedic sexologist in Noida suggests that Karachi is one of the most potent herbs that help to effectively treat premature ejaculation. The exact mechanism of the herb is not known as yer, but it is linked with balancing and pacifying the Vata dosha. It also helps to improve sperm count and motility and increase the duration of sex.



These offer the best ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction, and they are often sold as sex power capsules. These offer great therapeutic benefits, and it is a natural organic ingredient that works like magic.

It is an exudate from the Himalayan rocks and is rich in therapeutic compounds and minerals, all of which have wide medicinal properties. It is also known to boost the vitality, virility, and strength that helps with persistent erections that last longer. It also helps to raise testosterone and fertility levels.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola

It is a herb that is highly valuable for its medicinal potential, and it is used in various male sex problems ayurvedic treatments.

The efficacy may vary depending on the underlying condition, but overall the herb is highly potent in treating male sexual dysfunctions that result from circulatory problems that cause impaired blood flow to the penis.

It is known to promote circulatory system health by reducing venous pressure and strengthening the blood vessels. Even though this doesn’t help with prolonged sex, it helps improve the quality and level of pleasure.

Apart from these natural herbs, certain exercises and lifestyle changes can also help to promote different sexual problems. The two types of exercises that can help with the issue include kegel exercises and aerobic exercises.

Conclusively these are some of the ayurvedic medicine for sex that help men have better sexual health.